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Treasury notes, controlled by the United States Treasury Department, work in conjunction with lending rates. In fact, treasury notes themselves play a vital role in influencing commercial lending rates. Their patterns of rising and falling based on economic health display similar patterns because of their correlation to each other. Learn more about how Treasury notes influence commercial lending rates in our latest article. 


What is a Treasury Note? 

A treasury note earns a fixed interest rate until maturity. The United States Treasury Department sells bills, notes, and bonds to pay for government debt. Treasury bills mature in a year or less, Treasury notes mature in two, three, five or ten years, and treasury bonds mature in 30 years. 

They are considered to be one of the safest forms of investments because they are secured by the government. Bonds, bills, and notes can be purchased through the U.S. Department of Treasury, or through a bank or broker. 



The Financial Dictionary defines rates as, “the percentage of the value of a balance or debt that one pays or is paid each time period… The percentage of interest rate remains constant (usually), but the amount one pays or is paid changes according to the amount of the balance or debt.” 

Each bank rate is directly influenced and based on U.S. Treasury Rates. Banks charge a spread or premium over the cost of the money they borrow. Their set rates depend on a multitude of different risk factors. Banks have different appetites for risk and will price the loan accordingly.

At Innovative Capital, we update our rates page daily because it influences how we source the best loan for your unique lending purposes. Rates fluctuate depending on market strength. Rising when the economy is strong and lowering when the economy slows. 

The Federal Reserve controls the rates for bank lending which impacts loan rates and terms in commercial lending. In turn, this influences the way we find the best rate and term for your lending needs.

Rates assist with observing market conditions, but they are not the only influential factor when it comes to obtaining the capital needed for funding a business project or investment property. We understand the variety of complex criteria that affect rates for your qualifying loans and leverage multiple banks and lenders to find the best rate possible. 

We bring your unique lending needs to our network of contacts so you see which offer is best suited for your specific needs. It saves you the time it takes applying to loan opportunities individually and allows us to match our network of private lenders and commercial bankers with their perfect lending partner. 

Our expertise and experience of brokering thousands of loans every year provides us the knowledge to find you the best rates and terms, whatever the economic climate. 


How do Notes and Rates Interact?

Treasury notes and commercial lending rates work and move together in similar trending patterns. Since notes are not purchased at a standard price, their purchase value fluctuates depending on the economic market.

When note prices decrease, there is less demand causing the need for yield values to increase to compensate. It is vice versa when note prices increase. Rising note prices indicate high demand, lowering yield value. 

A Treasury yield is the return on investment (ROI) the Treasury note returns after it matures. When market yields rise, there is an increased demand for Treasury notes because investors seek out these safer investments that indicate high ROIs. 

According to The Balance, “as Treasury yields rise, so do the interest rates on consumer and business loans with similar lengths. Investors like the safety and fixed returns of bonds.”

Higher yields on Treasury notes increase commercial lending rates. 

Investors pay close attention to 10-year Treasury notes because they are key indicators of how borrowing rates may fluctuate. If the 10-year Treasury note pivots in either direction, it can impact the financial economy. 

Forbes explains, “changes in the 10-year Treasury yield tell us a great deal about the economic landscape and global market sentiment, professional investors analyze patterns in 10-year Treasury yields and make predictions about how yields will move over time. Declines in the 10-year Treasury yield generally indicate caution about global economic conditions while gains signal global economic confidence.” 

Yields can also increase the value of the dollar through the secondary market. If yields increase on the secondary market, the government pays more interest rates to entice future buyers. In time, the high rates increase Treasury demands. 

Browse our recently funded page to see how our team of expert loan officers can find and source the best rate and term loan through either alternative lending or traditional lending for your funding needs. Contact us today.  


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