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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way businesses operate, and one of the areas where it’s having a significant impact is because of the increasing use and development of data centers. With more demand for AI-powered technologies, data centers have become an essential component of the infrastructure needed to support these technologies. This shift is creating a unique opportunity for commercial real estate investors who want to get ahead on trends – so much so, that some are referring to it as a “Gold Rush.” 

As businesses continue to rely on AI and other data-intensive technologies, the demand for data center space will continue to rise. Data centers require significant amounts of power, cooling, and space, making them an ideal target for commercial real estate investors. 

At Innovative Capital, we keep up with CRE trends and recognize the growing demand for commercial real estate investment opportunities in this space. We are a direct lender and work with a network of lenders, including traditional banks, hard money loans, private capital, bridge loans, and alternative lenders, to find the best financing options for our clients. 

Whether you are an established business looking to expand your data center operations or a real estate investor seeking investment opportunities in this growing market, our team can help you secure the funding you need. We thoroughly assess our client’s financial situation, business history, and overall health to determine which lenders are the best fit for their specific needs. Then, we submit the client’s application to multiple lenders and negotiate the best terms to allow our clients to choose the best option. 

Our expert team has extensive experience working with a variety of lenders and real estate investors to secure funding for all sorts of commercial real estate investment opportunities. We guide you through the entire lending process and negotiate the best terms and rates before presenting options. The best part? If you do not choose to move forward with one of our deals, we do not take a fee. 

Innovative Capital can provide a positive solution for businesses and real estate investors seeking financing options to capitalize on up-and-coming trends. 

If you are looking to secure funding in this growing market, get in touch with us to request a free quote, and one of our team members will get back to you shortly.

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